The Ellington Piano Company was one of the top brand name pianos built by the famous Baldwin Piano & Organ Company of Cincinnati. Established in 1893, Ellington was a major contributor to the piano industry at large during the first quarter of the 20th Century. Ellington built several lines of high quality yet affordable pianos and player pianos which were sold by the thousands. The Ellington Piano Company went out of business in about 1930 due to the hardships of the Great Depression.
1895-3552 1908-22000 1916-41500 1925-60500
1900-6000 1909-24000 1917-43000 1926-60900
1902-10000 1910-26000 1918-45500 1927-61350
1903-12000 1911-28000 1919-48000 1928-61700
1904-14000 1912-30000 1920-50000 1929-62000
1905-16000 1913-33000 1921-52500 1930-63000
1906-18000 1914-36000 1923-57500
1907-20000 1915-39000 1924-60000 |