The Everett Piano Company was formed in 1883 in Boston by Mr. John Church (John Church & Company) and Mr. Frank A. Lee. The name Everett was chosen by church because of its euphonious clearness which made it easy to remember and easy to spell. The Everett Piano Company was originally established for the purpose of building a commercial grade piano, but once the factory was opened it was decided to make Everett Pianos to be instruments of the highest order with no expense spared to create the finest piano possible. It is a little known fact that early on, the Everett Piano Company gained world-wide recognition from musicians and pianists. Famous pianists of the era including Reisenauer, Dr. Neitzel, Chaminade, and Carreno praised the Everett Piano as being the King of Pianodom, and requested Everett pianos for their live performances whenever possible. It has been our experience that these Antique Everett pianos really were exceedingly well made, superior sounding instruments. The Everett name has been widely recognized in the American piano industry for 100 years, but the early turn-of-the-century instruments are not terribly common today. The Everett name was sold to the Hammond Organ Company in 1954, then later it was sold to Yamaha around 1973. Yamaha stopped producing Everett pianos in the late 1980's, but the name was once again revived by a private company in the 1990s.
1885-10000 1920-43900 1947-60000 1970-195000
1890-17000 1921-44400 1948-63400 1971-202000
1895-25000 1922-44800 1949-67000 1972-209000
1900-31000 1923-45000 1950-71000 1973-217000
1901-31800 1924-55300 1951-75000 1974-223000
1902-32600 1925-45600 1952-84400 1975-229000
1903-33400 1926-45700 1953-87000 1976-235000
1904-35200 1927-45580 1954-94000 1977-241000
1905-36000 1928-46000 1955-98000 1978-252000
1906-37700 1929-46200 1956-104000 1979-261000
1907-38200 1930-46600 1957-109000 1980-269000
1908-38770 1931-47000 1958-115000 1981-276000
1909-39200 1932-47300 1959-119800 1982-282000
1910-39600 1933-47600 1960-125700 1983-287000
1911-39800 1934-48000 1961-132000 1984-292000
1912-40000 1935-48300 1962-139000 1985-296000
1913-40400 1936-48600 1963-145000 1986-298300
1914-40800 1937-49000 1964-152000 1987-301000
1915-41200 1938-49400 1965-168000 1988-305000
1916-41600 1939-49900 1966-174000 1989-351000
1917-42300 1940-50400 1967-178000
1918-42900 1941-51000 1968-181000
1919-434000 1946-57000 1969-191000 |