The Fairbanks brand name (not to be confused with Fairbanks Piano Company of New York) was produced by the Southern California Music Company of Los Angeles, California during the first quarter of the 20th Century. Fairbanks offered a full line of upright pianos, player pianos and baby grand pianos, and they were distributed mainly across the west coast. The Southern California Music Company primarily bought pianos from top manufacturers of the period, relabeling and selling them under the 'Fairbanks' brand name. It is unclear if Fairbanks or the Southern California Music Company actually built any of their own pianos, and it is likely that they were only a retailer and not an actual manufacturer. The surviving Fairbanks pianos from Southern California Music Company we have seen come through our shop have been very well made pianos, indicating that the firm used high-grade pianos to sell under the 'Fairbanks' brand name.
1902-12000 190515000 1908-18500 1911-22300
1903-13000 1906-16000 1909-19700 1912-24000
1904-14000 1907-17000 1910-20800 1913-26000
Player Pianos
1920-17500 1925-187743 1927-191000 |