FRENCH, JESSE & SONS PIANOS, once owned by J. NealIrwin, 6
Greenvale Dr., Rochester, NY Est. 1875; a division of the P. A. Starck
Piano Co., 2160 N. Ashland, Chicag0 14, Illinois, other names used in the
past. Ackerman & Lowe, Continental, Frenchetts, Jefferson, Krell-French
Lagonda, Browning. First pianos made in Nashville, Tennessee, under
name of Dorman French & Smith later New Castle Indiana at 1811 - 7th
Ave. and 434 J Ave. formerly division of H. A. Selmer; also affiliated with
Krell French. See P. A. Starck for additional numbers. Marantz used this
name for awhile
1896-9000 1913-53000
1897-11000 1914-57000
1898-14000 1915-60200
1899-17000 1916-62500
1900-19000 1917-68300
1901-21000 1918-70500
1902-23000 1919-74200
1903-25000 1920-77000
1904-26850 1921-80000
1905-29400 1922-83000
1906-31600 1923-86000
1907-35200 1924-91800
1908-38700 1925-93500
1909-41600 1926-95500
1910-43750 1927-102000
1911-45500 1928-103500
1912-49200 1929-104100
FRENCH-KRELL, Same as J. French
FRENCH & SONS, Jesse French |