Haines Brothers Piano Company was established in 1851 by Napoleon J. Haines and his brother Francis W. Haines in New York City. For the first 20 years, they built a nice selection of Square Grand Pianos before building their first upright pianos in 1870. Haines Brothers was known for building high quality, lovely sounding instruments and they were very popular for several decades. Their grand and baby grand pianos became popular after the turn-of-the-century. In the 1920's, Sherlock-Manning Piano Company took control of Haines Brothers, building the Haines Brothers brand name until ceasing operations in 1945.
1855-980 1904-46000 1917-63400 1930-77900
1858-2000 1905-47200 1918-64300 1931-78100
1860-4000 1906-48300 1919-65200 1932-79200
1865-7000 1907-49600 1920-66200 1933-80600
1870-10000 1908-51000 1921-68800 1934-83600
1875-14000 1909-52000 1922-69700 1935-87200
1880-1900 1910-53100 1923-70900 1936-90800
1885-24000 1911-54500 1924-72300 1937-94400
1890-28000 1912-56000 1925-73400 1938-98000
1895-34000 1913-57500 1926-74500 1939-101000
1900-39000 1914-59700 1927-75500 1940-104000
1901-41500 1915-61600 1928-76500 1941-107400
1902-43000 1916-62500 1929-77100 1942-109000
See Poole or Ivers & Pond for additional information.
HAINES & CO., See Aeolian-American Co., Rochester, NY
HAINES & CO., Milwaukee, Wisc.
HAINES, N. J., Bult factory at 2nd Ave. and 22nd St., New York in 1856 Est
1853; last squares made about 1870.
HAINES, W. P & CO., 138 Walton St., New York, 1898; also made Bradbury
and Webster, Winter made in later years.
1899-36000 1912-48800 1925-66500 1942-204000
1900-37000 1913-49900 1926-68000 1947-205000
1901- 3800 1914-50100 1927-69500 1948-243000
1902-39000 1915-50600 1928-70200 1949-257000
1903-40000 1916-52000 1932-106000 Grand Pianos
1904-41000 1917-53500 1934-118200 1923-27000
1905-42000 1918-55000 1935-125000 1924-28000
1906-43000 1919-56800 1936-135000 1925-29000
1907-44400 1920-58300 1937-153000 1926-31000
1908-45600 1921-59800 1938-163000 1927-32700
1909-46400 1922-61400 1939-170000 1928-34000
1910-47700 1923-63600 1940-183000 1929-36000
1911-48500 1924-65000 1941-193000 SeePoole orIvers& Pond