HALLET & DAVIS PIANO COMPANY HISTORY: The Hallet & Davis Piano Company (spelled "Hallett & Davis" in earlier years) is one of Americas more historical and illustrious makers. The firm was originally established as Brown & Hallet in 1835, and their factory was located on Washington Street in Boston. In 1843, Brown retired and George Davis joined the firm. Davis retired in about 1847, and Hallet became part of Hallet, Cumston & Allen. Allen resigned from the firm, and in 1850 he formed the Brown & Allen Piano Company. With Allen gone, Hallet & Cumston formed partnership, building pianos under both the "Hallet & Davis" and the "Hallet & Cumston" names. In about 1879, the business was incorporated as Hallet, Davis & Company and the "Hallet & Cumston" name was dropped. The Hallet & Davis Piano Company was known for building very high quality, expensive pianos during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. They offered a full line of square, upright and grand pianos until about 1890 when they discontinued the square piano and increased production on the ever more popular upright. After the turn-of-the-century, they built a full line of high-quality player pianos under the brand names of Virtuoloa, Underwood & Sons, and Bowen. After the Great Depression, Hallet & Davis became part of the large Aeolian American Corporation, and the Hallet & Davis name was built by Aeolian until the 1980s era. Today, the Hallet & Davis name is being applied to Asian import pianos.
See Poole or Ivers & Pond for other serial numbers.
1850-9800 1906-59000 1921-105000 1940-183000
1855-11400 1907-61000 1922-109000 1941-193000
1860-12000 1908-63000 1923-113000 1942-204000
. 1865-14000 1909-65000 1924-117000 1943-215000
1910-68000 1925-121000 1947-503000
1875-22000 1911-71000 1926-124000 1948-504000
1880-26000 1912-74000 1927-128000 1949-504900
1885-30000 1913-77000 1928-130000 1950-506000
1890-36000 1914-81000 1929-131000 1951-507000
1895-42000 1915-85000 1930-132000 1952-508000
1900-48000 1916-89000 1935-133000 1953-507550
1901-49500 1917 -93000 1936-135000 1954-509700
1902-51000 1918-96500 1937-153000 1955-510270
1903-53000 1919 -100000 1938-163000 1956-510260
1904-55000 1920-102000 1939-170000 1957-510500 |