HARRINGTON, E. G. & CO., 633 W. 48th St., New York Est. 1871 made
Harrington, Hensel and Playtone. Afriliated with Hardman & Peck & Co.
Also made organs. Some Harrington pianos have Winter & Co. or National
Piano Corp. serial numbers.
1892-12300 1909-38100 1926-105300 1942-134800
1893-14000 1910-43000 1927-107000 1946-150400
1894-15600 1911-50000 1928-108000 1947-151500
1895-17000 1912-55000 1929-109000 1948-152700
1896-18500 1913-60000 1930-110000 1949-154600
1897-20000 1914-65000 1931-111100 1950-156900
1898-21700 1915-70000 1932-112000 1951-157700
1899-23000 1916-74000 1933-113600 1952-158600
1900-24500 1917-78000 1934-115600 1953-160000
1901-25900 1918-81400 1935-118000 1954-162004
1902-27000 1919-85100 1936-121000 1955-163200
1903-28500 1920-88000 1937-123000 1956-164200
1904-30000 1921-90000 1938-126000 1957-165000
1905-32000 1922-93000 1939-128000 1958-166000
1906-34000 1923-96000 1940-130000 1959-166723
1907-36000 1925-102000 1941-132000 1960-167124
1908-37600 |