HAZELTON BROS., Est. 1850 By Henry Hazelton and his brother Frederick
in New York. The original name was F & H. Hazelton. When there young
er brother John joined the firm the name was changed to Hazelton
Brothers. Samuel Hazelton, who had joined the firm in 1881, and his son
Halsey continued the firm after the founders death. Later made by Kohler
& Campbell, old factory at 542-544 W. 40th St., New York, (for Hazelton
Grands refer to Brambach after 1920) See Kohler & Campbell after 1957.
1858-1000 1906-40100 1922-215000 1938-284000
1860-1900 1907-42900 1923-223000 1939-286000
1862-2600 1908-45000 1924-230000 1940-289000
1865-3000 1909-47000 1925-237000 1941-294000
1870-49210 1910-49000 1926-240000 1947-401000
1875-7000 1911-51000 1927-250000 1948-403000
1880-9000 1912-53000 1928-258000 1949-406000
1885-13000 1913-55000 1929-264000 1950-408000
1890-17600 1914-57000 1930-266000 1951-412000
1895-23160 1915-59000 1931-267000 1952-416000
1900-25800 1916-61000 1932-268000 1953-420000
1901-27400 1917-64000 1933-270000 1954-427000
1902-30100 1918-67000 1934-272000 1955-503000
1903-33800 1919-70000 1935-274000 1956-508000
1904-35400 1920-73000 1936-276000 1957-511000
1905-37600 1921-210000 1937-281000
HAZELTON, TALBOTT & LYON, Albany, NY 1840 - 1850 |