IBACH SOHN, RUD. Est. 1794 by Johannes Adolph Ibach as Ibach Piano &
Organ manufacturers in Germany In 1839 J. Adolph Ibach retired and his
sons Carl Rudolf and Richard Ibach ran the company with the help of their
brothers Adolph Jun. and Gustav Adolph. In 1869 the company split into
two companies, an organ manufacturer, held by a family member and the
Rud. Ibach Sohn piano company The headquarters were in Barmen, with
supplementary production facilities in Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf and
Schwelm. After WWII, Schwelm became the company headquarters and
the only production facility The company is still family owned (now in the
sixth generation) and produces upright and grand pianos, it is the world's
oldest piano builder stillin operation. Rud. Ibach Sohn owns Schiedmayer
Piano GmbH and Roth & Junius Piano GmbH., they also build special edi-
tion pianos based on designs by architects. Current address is Rud. Ibach
Sohn, Wilhelmstrabe 43, D-58332 Schwelm, Germany Phone 011 49 02336-
9393-0, Fax 011 49 02336-939393. See photo on page 306.
1820-464 1905-50200 1932-96600 1971-119550
1830-701 1906-52900 1933-96800 1972-121401
1840-1189 1907-55300 1934-97000 1973-123251
1845-1603 1908-58000 1935-97200 1974-125101
1850-1906 1909-60600 1936-97400 1975-126901
1855-2600 1910-63600 1937-97600 1976-128700
1860-2900 1911-66800 1938-97800 1977-130800
1865-3450 1912-70200 1939-98100 1978-133050
1870-3800 1913-73600 1940-98300 1979-134925
1875-5400 1914-75900 1948-98310 1980-136675
1880-7800 1915-76600 1950-98500 1981-138450
1885-12500 1916-77700 1955-99500 1982-139700
1890-20100 1917-78400 1956-100000 1983-140960
1891-21800 1918-79100 1957-100850 1984-141555
1892-23000 1919-81200 1958-101700 1985-143005
1893-24600 1920-82100 1959-102700 1986-143955
1894-26100 1921-83400 1960-103800 1987-144700
1895-28000 1922-85000 1961-105000 1988-146075
1896-30000 1923-86000 1962-106200 1989-146626
1897-31900 1924-88600 1963-107400 1990-147437
1898-34300 1925-90300 1964-108700 1991-148000
1899-36600 1926-91600 1965-110000 1992-148236
1900-38600 1927-93000 1966-111801 1993-148415
1901-40500 1928-94400 1967-113301 1994-149240
1902-42800 1929-95300 1968-114751 1995-149700
1903-45000 1930-96000 1969-116300
1904-47500 1931-96300 1970-117901