JORGENSEN, BRODERICK, Rygaards Alle 104, dk-2900, Hellerup,
Denmark. Seiler pianos were made in their factory from 1945 t0 1956.
Kemble made some pianos with this name in the late 1970's using Kemble
serial numbers. Stopped production in 1980.
1948-100 1958-4950 1968-13050 1977-17000
1952-700 1960-6740 1970-14340 1978-17075
1954-1750 1963-9150 1973-15475 1979-17150
1956-3320 1965-11000 1976-16240 1980-17200
JORGENSEN-ELECTRONIC, Dusseldorffer, 99, Germany |