KARN & CO., D. W., Est. 1867 in Woodstock, Canada, as Miller & Karn. In
1873 the name was changed to D. W. Karn & Co. Around 1896 they made
a Karn-Warren pipe organ. From 1909 t0 1920 the company name was
Karn-Morris due to an arrangement with the Morris Piano Co. of Listowel,
Ontario. In 1924 the Sherlock-Manning Co. bought the firms assets and
produced a Karn named piano until 1961. At one time they were one of the
largest Canadian Organ builders.
1890-1000 1938-106400 1947-112500 1956-117389
1895-3000 1939-107500 1948-113000 1957-117490
1900-4700 1940-108500 1949-113500 1958-119695
1905-7400 1941-109400 1950-114000 1959-120224
1907-8900 1942-110000 1951-114900 1960-120424
1910-10000 1943-110500 1952-115250 1961-121341
1915 -13000 1944-111000 1953-115750 Disc. 1961
1936-105000 1945 -111500 1954-116212
1937-105800 1946-112000 1955-117216
KARN, D. W. also N. KARN, Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. See above.
KARN-MORRIS PIANO & ORGAN CO. LTD., Listowel Canada. See Kern Co. |