KEMBLE PIANO GROUR Est. 1911 by Michael Kemble and Victor Jacobs on
Mount Avenue in Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK1 1JE, England. Kemble
purchased the Brinsmead Piano Co. in 1967. Kemble made, Brinsmead,
Cramer, B. Squire & Son, Squire & Longson, Rogers Eungblut, Moore &
Moore and Renn. The Minx was a model of piano, Schmidt-Flohr pianos
were built for the Swedish company Since 1977 Kemble and Yamaha have
had a manufacturing agreement. Serial numbers are for all piano names
used by Kemble.
1930-32100 1949-79500 1965-123500 1981-202385
1931-34600 1950-81700 1966-126100 1982-206806
1932-37500 1951-84200 1967-129200 1983-211495
1933-39600 1952-87000 1968-131200 1984-212842
1934-43000 1953-90000 1969-134100 1985-217811
1935-47000 1954-92500 1970-139100 1986-222207
1936-52000 1955-95000 1971-143500 1987-223395
1937-57600 1956-97500 1972-148000 1988-229195
1938-62600 1957-100500 1973-153500 1989-234995
1939-67300 1958-103500 1974-159500 1990-235000
1940-70900 1959-106300 1975-165800 1991-240952
1941-73500 1960-109700 1976-169950 1992-247101
1942-74500 1961-113200 1977-178600 1993-252854
1946-75000 1962-116200 1978-188500 1994-257593
1947-76100 1963-118500 1979-191500 1995-262730
1948-77600 1964-120800 1980-197980 1996-267729