The Allison Piano Company was one of England's older and more renowned piano manufacturers. The firm was established in 1837, with factories located at 50 New Bond Street, London. During the 19th Century Allison built a full line of square grand, upright and grand pianos. By the turn-of-the-century, their square pianos had been discontinued and a line of very well made player pianos had been introduced to their line of instruments. Allison was known for building very good quality pianos, and they enjoyed great success for well over a century. During the 20th Century, the Allison Piano Company was purchased by the Chappell Piano Company of England. Chappell continued to build the Allison brand name until about 1959.
1870-9400 1906-34000 1926-49800 1951-59000
1875-13600 1907-35000 1927-50200 1952-61000
1880-15000 1908-36000 1928-50800 1953-57900
1885-18000 1909-37000 1929-51200 1954-58068
1890-21000 1910-38000 1930-52000 1955-58095
1891-21800 1911-39800 1931-52500 1956-58158
1892-22600 1912-40600 1932-53000 1957-58300
1893-23400 1913-41000 1933-53400 1958-58550
1894-24200 1914-41600 1934-53800 1959-58700
1895-25000 1915-42000 1935-54250
1896-25800 1916-42800 1936-54800
1897-26600 1917-43600 1937-55200
1898-24700 1918-44400 1938-55800
1899-28200 1919-45200 1939-56200
1900-29000 1920-46000 1940-56800
1901-29800 1921-46600 1942-57000
1902-30000 1922-47200 1947-57100
1903-31400 1923-47800 1948-57400
1904-32000 1924-48400 1949-5 7520
1905-33000 1925-49200 1950-5 7700 |