KRAKAUER BROS., Est. 1869 by Simon Krakauer and his son David in New
York City In 1977 Howard K. Graves purchased the company and moved
it to Berlin, OH. The address was P.O. Box 301, Berlin, Ohi0 44610. Also
made Vertichord, Lyrichord and Madison. In the early 1930's pianos with
the Madison name were made by Winter & Co., National Piano and Lester.
Krakauer was a division of Kimball, since 1980, starting serial number was
86405. The Berlin factory closed in 1985, see Kimball for later numbers.
1870-460 1905-26500 1924-51500 1946-62400
1875-1500 1906-28000 1925-53000 1947-62800
1880-3200 1907-29500 1926-53600 1948-63800
1885-6500 1908-30600 1927-54000 1949-64000
1890-10000 1909-32000 1928-54800 1950-64300
1891-10800 1910-33500 1929-55400 1951-64700
1892-11600 1911-35000 1930-55800 1952-65000
1893-12200 1912-36500 1931-56000 1953-65400
1894-12800 1913-38000 1932-56200 1954-65900
1895-13200 1914-39500 1933-56400 1955-66400
1896-14400 1915-41000 1934-56800 1957-67200
1897-16000 1916-42500 1935-57400 1958-67800
1898-17400 1917-43900 1936-57900 1959-68800
1899-18900 1918-44600 1937-58500 1960-70200
1900-20000 1919-46000 1938-59000 1961-71400
1901-21500 1920-46500 1939-59500 1962-72500
1902-23100 1921-47800 1940-60200 1963-73700
1903-24600 1922-48800 1941-61100 1964-75000
1904-25400 1923-50700 1942-62000 1980-86405