KRELL PIANO CO., Cincinnati, Ohio, Est. 1889 associated with Werner
industries manufacturers of Krell, Auto-Player, Columbine and Royal, this
company is now controlled by Starr Piano Co., Richmond, Indiana. Since
1927, Albert Krell resigned in 1905 at which time name became Auto-
Grand Piano Co., Connerville, Indiana, see Starr Numbers after 1949.
1900-5500 1911-31000 1922-5 7000 1933-218000
1901-7000 1912-33500 1923-58000 1934-223000
1902-9000 1913-36000 1924-59000 1935-226000
1903-11000 1914-38500 1925-60000 1936-233000
1904-13500 1915-41000 1926-61000 1937-235000
1905-16000 1916-43500 1927-100500 1938-239000
1906-18500 1917-46000 1928-100900 1939-243000
1907-21000 1918-48500 1929-101400 1940-246000
1908-23500 1919-51000 1930-101800 1947-252000
1909-26000 1920-53500 1931-208000 1948-260000
1910-28500 1921-55000 1932-213000 1949-270000 |