ALLMENDINGER, D. F., Ann Arbor, Michigan - see Allmendinger Organs
ALLMENDINGER ORGANS, D. F., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1872 - 1912
Made organs under the name ofAnn Arbor.
1872-1005 1885-2305 1896-2845 1906-3425
1876-1205 1887-2455 1899-3105 1912-3655
1879-1405 1889-2605 1900-3235 1912-Disc.
1883-2105 1893-2675 1903-3315
ALLMENDINGER PIANO CO., Est. 1902 Manufactured under the name of
Henderson, some under the name Allmendinger, disc. 1913.
1902-1000 1905-1900 1908-2810 1911-3450
1903-1300 1906-2210 1909-3100 1912-3600
1904-1600 1907-2500 1910-3300 1913-3700 |