LESAGE PIANOS LTD., Damase Lesage purchased the Canadian Piano Co. in
1891 and established Lesage Pianos at 15 Lesage St. Ste. Theresa de
Balinville, Terrebonne Co. J7E3E7 Quebec, Canada. In 1892 Lesage took
in a partner named Procule Piche and the firm became Lesage & Piche.
The company name was changed to Lesage & Fils in 1904. From 1907 to
1911 the Willis Piano Co. had an interest in Lesage. With the Lesage fami-
ly loack in control they took over the Bell Piano Co. (1930), Guelph (1934),
Weber Piano (1939). After 1942 the name became Lesage Pianos Ltd. Also
made Bell, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Belmont and Weber. Other names
used by Lesage were Sonata, Continental Euro, Anniversary, Minuet,
Concerto, Concord Canadian, Prelude, Versailles and Hardy & Sons. May
1986 the factory was closed. See Rosch-Lesage for additionalinformation.
1895-1000 1928-20600 1949-30400 1970-50500
1900-2100 1929-21000 1950-30900 1971-51500
1905-5000 1930-21500 1951-31400 1972-53000
1910-8200 1931-22000 1952-31900 1974-54500
1911-9100 1932-22500 1953-32400 1975-56500
1912-10000 1933-23000 1954-32950 1976-58000
1913-10400 1934-23500 1955-33450 1977-60000
1914-11000 1935-24000 1956-34000 1978-61200
1915-11600 1936-24500 1957-34600 1979-62700
1916-12300 1937-25200 1958-35200 1980-64000
1917-13000 1938-25665 1959-35600 1981-65500
1918-13700 1939-26065 1960-36000 1982-65800
1919 -14400 1940-26400 1961-37050 1983-66300
1920-15300 1941-27075 1962-38600 1984-66750
1921-16000 1942-27600 1963-40300 1985-67300
1922-16800 1943-27960 1964-42000 1986-67730
1923-17400 1944-28300 1965-44000 1987-67905
1924-18000 1945-28600 1966-45500 1988-70005
1925-18600 1946-29150 1967-47000
1926-19300 1947-29600 1968-48000
1927-19900 1948-30000 1969-49500
LESAGE & PICHE, Canada |