LINDEMAN & S. G., HENRY, In New York, for serial numbers after 1901 see
Melodigrand for serial numbers. Co.
LINDEMAN & SON, HENRY, Name used from 1875 t0 1901.
LINDEMAN PIANO CO., Est. 1836 in New York, later controlled by the
American Piano Corp., New York, along with A. B. Chase and Emerson.
Also made Cycloid grand and square pianos with 3 legs and Cluett & Sons.
1860-215Sq. 1905-29100 1918-132500 1930-155500
1865-1750 1906-30200 1919-134000 1931-156300
1870-3000 1907-31000 1920-136000 1932-158000
1875-6000 1908-32000 1921-137500 1933-159000
1880-94000 1910-122000 1922-139000 1934-160000
1890-16900 1911-123400 1923-141000 1935-161000
1895-20000 1912-124600 1924-144000 1936-162000
1900-24000 1913-125900 1925-147000 1937-163000
1901-25000 1914-127000 1926-150000 1938-164000
1902-26000 1915-128000 1927-151500 1939-165000
1903-27000 1916-129500 1928-153000 1947-168000
1904-28000 1917-131000 1929-154500
LINDEMAN & SONS, Same as Lindeman after death of William in 1875
firm became known as Henry Lindeman & Son.
LINDEMAN, WM., Est. 1836 - 48 William St. New York see Lindeman
Piano Co. |