LIPP & SOHN, RICH., Est. 1831, Weigenburgerstrasse 32, Stuttgart,
Germany Also made Ahlborn Organ. From 1985 t0 1992 pianos manufac
tured under license by The Bentley Piano Co. Ltd. and since 1993 by
Whelpdale, Maxwell & Codd Ltd., London, England.
1875-8000 1906-26300 1929-42050 1967-48101
1880-9780 1907-27300 1935-42600 1976-49098
1885-12520 1908-28400 1936-42650
1889-14930 1909-29500 1937-42700
1891-15400 1910-30740 1938-42836
1892-15900 1911-31600 1948-43000
1893-16400 1912-32800 1949-43100 1985-50001
1894-16800 1913-34000 1950-43500 1986-50020
1895-17070 1914-35400 1951-43300 1987-50050
1896-17800 1915-36800 1952-43400 1988-50080
1897-18600 1920-36670 1953-43500 1989-50110
1898-19200 1921-37000 1954-43597 1990-50140
1899-19800 1922-37800 1955-43735 1991-50170
1900-20480 1923-28600 1956-43758 1992-50200
1901-21400 1924-39200 1957-43900 1993-50220
1902-22300 1925-40000 1958-43960 1994-50230
1903-23300 1926-40926 1959-44160 1995-50250
1904-24300 1927-41133 1960-44350 1996-50260
1905-25300 1928-41713 1966-47499 1997-50270
LIPP RICHARD, See Lipp & Son |