LUDWIG & CO., Willow & 136th St. New York, Est. 1888 after 1933 con-
trolled by Ricca, also make Claviola player. Ludwig once controlled by
Louis J. Karzen. Atlas Piano Co. Chicago Illinois. Following serial numbers
were used by Atlas. 1952 and 1953 when they discontinued using the
Ludwig name.
Style K-100500 t0 100550 Style J. 110000 t0 110063
Spec. Finishes Style K326844 Spec. Finishes Style J420635
1895-10000 1909-70000 1919-98000 1929-120000
1900-25000 1910-75000 1920-100000 1930-121500
1901-30000 1911-78000 1921-102000 1931-123000
1902-35000 1912-81000 1922-104000 1932-124500
1903-41000 1913-84000 1923-106000 1933-125000
1904-45000 1914-87000 1924-108000 1934-127000
1905-50000 1915-90000 1925-112000 1935-129000
1906-55000 1916-92000 1926-114000 1936-131000
1907-60000 1917-94000 1927-116000 1940-134000
1908-65000 1918-96000 1928-118000 1941-137000
LUDWIG, KARL, Wirbenthal, Vrbno, CSSR.
LUDWIG, H. Hapfield, Germany
LUDWIG-SCHNABEL CO., Prague, Austria |