LYON & HEALY ORGANS, Chicago, retailer who built for their own stores.
LYON & HEALY PIANO, Made by Packard Schulz, player pianos not
included in numbers. Advertised some years ago as Worlds Largest Music
House. New Upright $125 - $135 - $150 and $165 and a fine instrument at
$290, also made Washburn and Majestic, 243 So. Wabash, Chicago, IL. See
Everett and Cable-Nelson for spinet and console numbers thru 1965. Lyon
& Healy reentered the piano business in 1989 under guidance of Jack
Scott, Pres. featuring Lyon & Healy Pianos from Europe & Schubert
Pianos from Asia at 168 N. Ogden Ave., Chicago, 111. 60607
1880-10500 1905-21000 1914-26700 1923-34880
1885-12100 1906-21700 1915-27100 1924-35500
1890-13450 1907-22400 1916-28000 1925-36100
1895-15000 1908-23000 1917-29000 1926-36800
1900-17500 1909-23700 1918-30100 1927-37300
1901-18200 1910-24400 1919-31000 1928-37800
1902-19000 1911-25000 1920-32000 1929-38127
1903-19700 1912-25600 1921-33000 1930-39000
1904-24000 1913-26300 1922-34139 1985-205000 |