MASON & RISCH, Est. 1871, by Thomas Gabriel Mason, Vincent Risch and
Octavius Newcombe in Toronto, Canada. Also built Eaton pianos for the T
Eaton Co., a department store chain. In the early 1950's the firm was
taken over by Winter & Co. from New York. Was a division of Aeolian for a
short time. In the 1950's and 1960's they used the names Homer, Cecilian,
Ennis, Mozart, Gerhard, Sterling, Kreisler, Winter, Schubert, Chopin,
Hallet & Davis Wadsworth, Cameo, Steinbach, Harrington, Canadian
Piano Co., Kranich & Bach, New Scale, Williams, Classic & Henry Herbert
(named for Henry Her'oert Risch). The company closed about 1972.
1890-3000 1914-30900 1932-47500 1950-70000
1891-5000 1915-31700 1933-48300 1951-72400
1895-7500 1916-32400 1934-49600 1952-74700
1896-8500 1917-33200 1935-51000 1953-78600
1900-11000 1918-34600 1936-52000 1954-80002
1901-11800 1919-35500 1937-53000 1955-81000
1902-12600 1920-36300 1938-54000 1956-83000
1903-13100 1921-37400 1939-55000 1957-84800
1904-13900 1922-38200 1940-57300 1958-92501
1905-14700 1923-39100 1941-59800 1959-100600
1906-15300 1924-40100 1942-60000 1960-103000
1907-19100 1925-41000 1943-62000 1965-130000
1908-22000 1926-41900 1944-63000 1970-152000
1909-22700 1927-42800 1945-63300 Disc.1971
1910-23400 1928-43700 1946-63700
1911-26200 1929-44600 1947-64000
1912-28700 1930-45700 1948-65000
1913-30100 1931-46600 1949-67000