MERRILL, JAMES, F 73 Henry, New York 1822
MERRILL PIANO MFG. CO., 146 Boylston, Boston, Mass. factory at
Neponset, Mass. Est. 1885 affiliated with National Piano Mfg. Co. and
Norris & Hyde & Jacob Doll. Some uprights made by Jacob Doll from 1925
some grands, same as Premier.
1904-11000 1910-22000 1916-33700 1922-42000
1905-12000 1911-24000 1917-35600 1923 -43000
1906-14000 1912-26000 1918-37500 1924-45000
1907-16000 1913-28000 1919-38400 1925-46800
1908-18000 1914-30000 1920-40000 1926-47200
1909-20000 1915-31800 1921-41000
The Merrill Piano Company was established in 1885 and continued to manufactur pianos until 1926.
The company was associated with several other names, including the National Piano Manufacturing
Company, Norris & Hide and Jacob Doll.
Factory Location: Boston, Massachusettes
Serial Number Dates: 1904 - 1926 |