NORDHEIMER PIANO CO., Est. 1844 by brothers Samuel and Abraham
Nordheimer at 122 King St. East, Toronto, Canada. The company first
made pianos in 1886. They were involved in the Lansdowne Piano
Company along with other Canadian manufactures. In 1890 Samuel and
Albert built their own factory in east Toronto. Albert retired in 1927 and
Heintzman & Co. bought the factory. Heintzman used the name until the
mid 1960. Also made organs 1893 Sr #3361.
1890-2500 1913-13000 1928-21847 1947-24400
1895-3800 1914-14000 1929-22000 1948-26400
1900-4600 1915-15800 1930-22100 1949-25000
1901-5100 1916-16000 1931-22200 1950-25020
1902-5600 1917-17400 1935-22300 1951-25066
1903-6000 1918-17500 1937-22400 1952-25190
1904-6500 1919-18000 1938-22500 1953-25400
1905-7400 1920-18500 1939-22700 1954-25467
1906-8200 1921-19000 1940-22900 1955-25650
1907-9000 1922-19500 1941-23200 1956-25860
1908-9600 1923-20000 1942-23500 1957-26000
1909-10400 1924-20500 1943-23900 1958-26600
1910-11000 1925-21000 1944-24000 1959-27178
1911-11600 1926-21250 1945-24100 1960-27846
1912-12000 1927-21500 1946-24300