The Armstrong Piano Company was established by W.B. Armstrong in East Rochester, NY in 1884. By the turn-of-the-century, Armstrong went into partnership with Foster & Company, forming the Foster-Armstrong Piano Company. Foster-Armstrong was a major force in piano manufacturing in the early 20th Century, and they built pianos under the names of Foster, Armstrong, and Foster-Armstrong. During the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, the firm built a number of higher quality pianos for a dealer by the name of James F. Cook of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, under the brand name of "J. F. Cook". By the 1920's era, Foster-Armstrong merged with the giant Aeolian-American Corporation, and they began building pianos for several popular piano manufacturers including Haines, Fischer, Marshall & Wendell, Franklin, Holmes & Sons, Brewster, and Stratford. Aeolian continued to build pianos under many of these names throughout the 20th Century before going out of business in the 1980's.
1900-43000 1909-62000 1918-79000 1927-89600
1901-45000 1910-63700 1919-80200 1928-91500
1902-47000 1911-65500 1920-81100 1929-93700
1903-49000 1912-7800 1921-82900 1930-94000
1904-51000 1913-71000 1922-83900 1931- 94100
1905-53000 1914-73600 1923-84900 1932-94300
1906-55400 1915- 74000 1924-86600 1933-94400
1907-57600 1916-75600 1925-87800 1934-95800
1908-59900 1917-78000 1926-88700 1935-96000 |