ROGERS & BORST, New York about 1875, this name discontinued about
1877 when M. Borst went with Wheelock.
ROGERS BROS., New York by FG. Smith
ROGERS GEORGE, 287 Fourth, New York 1835
ROGERS, GEORGE & SONS, Est. 1843, in London, England. Also made
Hopkinson, became part of Bentley Piano Co. Ltd. Now manufactured by
Whelpdale, Maxwell & Codd Ltd., London, England.
1873-8424 1918-28500 1949-44600 1983-96000
1876-9206 1919-29000 1950-45100 1984-99000
1882-11130 1920-30000 1964-46451 1985-100150
1885-12501 1921-31000 1965-46770 1986-100230
1887-13300 1922-32000 1966-46920 1987-100300
1892-15601 1923-33000 1967-47110 1988-100457
1897-18000 1924-34000 1968-47340 1989-R158565
1904-20400 1925-35200 1969-47700 1990-R159000
1905-21000 1926-36400 1970-48130 1991-R160000
1906-21500 1927-37600 1971-48640 1992-R160250
1907-22000 1928-38800 1972-49140 1993-R160800
1908-22800 1929-40000 1973-49300 1994-R161400
1909-23700 1930-40500 1974-50100 1995-R161600
1910-24100 1931-41200 1975-50460 1996-R161750
1911-25000 1932-42000 . 1976-50850 1997-R162250
1912-25900 1933-42500 1977-51190
1913-26000 1934-42800 1978-51520
1914-26500 1935-43000 1979-52410
1915-27000 1936-43500 1980-52720
1916-27500 1937-43600 1981-93150
1917-28000 1938-44000 1982-93451