RONISCH, CARL, Est. 1874, St. Petersburg.
RONISCH, CARL, Est. 1845 in Dresden, Germany A new factory was built in
St. Petersburg before Carl died in 1893. Carl's sons Albert and Hermann
took over the company Ronisch made pianos for Ludwig Hupfeld before
they joined forces in 1918. About 1947 the name was changed to Leipziger
Pianofortefabrik. For a short time the company was known as Deutsche
Piano-Union Leipzig. Present address Bohlitz-Senefelder Str. 18. D.D.R.
1855-420 1900-30000 1945-76800 1976-150000
1860-960 1905-39000 1950-77100 1980-175000
1865-1620 1910-50800 1953-77650 1985-185000
1870-3200 1915-63200 1954-77900 1990-200000
1875-6100 1920-67500 1955-78300 1995-207000
1880-7900 1925-73400 1956-78600
1885-12300 1930-76000 1957-79000
1890-18500 1935-76250 1961-86000
1895-23000 1940-76400 1966-100000 |