SETTERGREN, B. K. CO., Bluffton, Indiana makers of Settergren, Wegman,
Malcolm Love, Vough, Chase & Baker, Alexander, Anderson Bros.; See
Estey Settergren came to Bluffton 1914, with A. J. King Piano Co., 1917
King Company was taken over by H. C. Bay; 1922 formed Settergren. 1935
changed to Estey Piano Co., 237 N. Union, Bluffton, Indiana.
1925-5000 1931-12500 1937-20700 1948-24700
1926-6000 1932-14000 1938-21400 1949-24800
1927-7000 1933-16000 1939-22400 1950-25000
1928-8000 1934-17500 1940-23300 1951-25200
1929-9000 1935-19500 1941-24000 1952-25400
1930-11000 1936-20000 1942-24600 1953-25600
Settergren pianos with Estey numbers.
1935-107000 1947-138000 1954-154500 1961-176000
1936-110000 1948-141000 1955-157000 1962-180000
1937-114000 1949-143000 1956-160000 1963-183000
1938-119000 1950-145000 1957-163000 1964-187000
1939-123000 1951-148000 1958-166000 1965-191000
1940-127000 1952-150000 1959-169000
1941-133000 1953-151000 1960-172000 |