SHERLOCK-MANNING PIANOS LTD., Est. 1902, by J. Frank Sherlock and
Wilber N. Manning in London, Ontario, Canada. The original name was
Sherlock-Manning Organ Co. The first pianos were produced around 1903.
In 1910 the Name became Sherlock-Manning Piano & Organ Co. The com-
pany was named Sherlock-Manning Pianos Ltd. in 1924. By 1925 this firm
had acquired the firms: Doherty, Haines Bros., Marshall & Wendell, Kaen
Gourlay, Foster-Armstrong and Winter & Lemming they also used the
name Weber. In 1967 the company was taken over 'oy Bill Heintzman. Joe
Reid, Murray and Bob Draper bought controlling interest in 1978 and
named the firm Draper Bros. & Reid. From 1984 t0 1988 there were sever
al ownership changes, however in 1988 the last piano factory in Canada
closed. In late 1994, early 1995 the rights to this name were purchased,
along with some inventory and equipment. It was reported that production
of a new Sherlock-Manning piano had commenced in Vanastra.
1895-1345 1917-10200 1947-113100 1965-124450
1900-2800 1918-10500 1948-113210 1966-125140
1901-3400 1919-11000 1949-113575 1967-125700
1902-3800 1920-90000 1950-113800 1968-126680
1903-4200 1925-97000 1951-114000 1969-127560
1904-4600 1930-101000 1952-114200 1970-127900
1905-5000 1935-105600 1953-114500 1971-128580
1906-5400 1936-106000 1954-116512 1972-129690
1907-5800 1937-106800 1955-117173 1973-130370
1908-6300 1938-107600 1956-117384 1974-131430
1909-6800 1939-108400 1957-117650 1975-132510
1910-7300 1940-109220 1958-119695 1976-132990
1911-7700 1941-110600 1959-120224 1977-133840
1912-8100 1942-110900 1960-120424 1978-161300
1913-8400 1943-111800 1961-121341 1979-163300
1914-8800 1944-112200 1962-122109 1980-16 5000
1915-9400 1945-112400 1963-122889 1981-234000
1916-9900 1946-112800 1964-123670 1985-235000