ASTIN, Limited production, see Astin-Weight.
ASTIN-WEIGHT, Est. 1956 by Raymond Astin and Donald Weight in Salt
Lake City, Utah. Began piano production in 1959. Applied for U.S. patent
in 1969 for oversize soundboard. Astin-Weight is now the oldest indepen-
dently owned piano company in America. Address 120 West 3300 South,
Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. Phone (801) 487-0641.
1959-1000 1969-11000 1980-21000 1990-31000
1960-2000 1970-12000 1981-22000 1991-32000
1961-3000 1971-13000 1982-23000 1992-33000
1962-4000 1972-14000 1983-24000 1993-34000
1963-5000 1974-15000 1984-25000 1994-35000
1964-6000 1975-16000 1985-26000 1995-36000
1965-7000 1976-17000 1986-27000 1996-38000
1966-8000 1977-18000 1987-28000 1997-40000
1967-9000 1978-19000 1988-29000
1968-10000 1979-20000 1989-30000 |