STECK, Est. 1857 Germany, Gotha, was subsidiary Choralian Co. but pianos
were different than George Steck, USA.
STECK, See Aeolian, 235 New Bond St., London, England
STECK, GEO. & CO., Est. 1857 by George Steck at 650 E. 132nd St., New
York, Later affiliated with Aeolian and Weber Piano Co.. In 1904 they
became known as Aeolian Weber and Pianola Co., were af'filiated with
Aeolian American Co. Became part of Mason & Hamlin Corp. before they
stopped production in 1994. In April of 1996 Kirk and Gary Burgett, own-
ers of Music Systems Research bought the assets of Mason & Hamlin and
announced plans to continue production of some piano names.
1860-1000 1914-51400 1937-135500 1962-174142
1865-3000 1915-53500 1938-138300 1963-176576
1870-5923 1916-54600 1939-140600 1964-178757
1875-7500 1917-56700 1940-142800 1965-180876
1880-10000 1918-58900 1941-144700 1966-183017
1885-12000 1919-61000 1942-146400 1967-185198
1890-15000 1920-63300 1946-149900 1968-186884
1895-18200 1921-65000 1947-150000 1969-188312
1900-22400 1922-67000 1948-151400 1970-189389
1901-24000 1924-71000 1949-152600 1971-190600
1902-26100 1925-73000 1950-153900 1972-190900
1903-28200 1926-75000 1951-155000 1973-191200
1904-30300 1927-79000 1952-156500 1974-191900
1905-32400 1928-81000 1953-157800 1975-192500
1906-34500 1929-83000 1954-159300 1976-193000
1907-36600 1930-85000 1955-160600 1977-193200
1908-38700 1931-121000 1956-162000 1978-193300
1909-40900 1932-125000 1957-163800 1979-193350
1910-43000 1933-127000 1958-165900 1980-193400
1911-45100 1934-128400 1959-167500 1981-193600
1912 -47200 1935-130700 1960-169700
1913-49300 1936-133100 1961-171689