YAMAHA, Est. 1887, by Tarakusu Yamaha, was Nippon Gakki S.K.K. Co. In
1916 Tarakusu Yamaha passed away The company changed its name to
Yamaha Corporation of Japan in 1987. Located at 10-1 Nakazawa-Cho,
Hamamatsu City, Japan. Yamaha was the first piano maker in Japan.
Yamaha of Japan made some grand pianos for Story & Clark in the late
1970'. The American company name is Yamaha Corporation ofAmerica.
Address 6600 0rangethorpe Ave., Buena Park, CA 90620. All Yamaha
Grand pianos are built in Japan. In 1973 Yamaha ofAmerica purchased
the Everett Piano Company, makers of Everett and Cable Nelson. In 1979
the factory at 100 Yamaha Park, Thomaston, GA 30286, was built to pro-
duce Uprights and Consoles.
1917-1700 1937-25158 1957-78000 1977-2383000
1918-1800 1938-28000 1958-89000 1978-2583000
1919-1900 1939-30000 1959-103000 1979-2812000
1920-2100 1940-31900 1960-122000 1980-3001000
1921-2650 1941-33800 1961-149000 1981-3261000
1922-3150 1942-35600 1962-188000 1982-3464000
1923-3650 1943-37000 1963-237000 1983-3646000
1924-4250 1944-38000 1964-298000 1984-3832000
1925-4950 1945-38550 1965-368000 1985-3988000
1926-5700 1946-39250 1966-489000 1986-4157000
1927-6500 1947-40001 1967-570000 1987-4335000
1928-7750 1948-44087 1968-689000 1988-4492000
1929-8928 1949-42231 1969-809000 1989-4650000
1930-10163 1950-44200 1970-978000 1990-4811000
1931-11719 1951-47767 1971-1169000 1991-4951000
1932-13368 1952-51621 1972-1317000 1992-5072000
1933-15182 1953-54800 1973-1510000 1993-5181000
1934-17939 1954-57000 1974-1743000 1994-5292000
1935-19895 1955-63300 1975-1943000 1995-5375000
1936-22397 1956-70000 1976-2144000 1996-5466000
Yamaha Pianos with serial numbers preceded by the letter U were made in jl
South Haven, Mich. by Yamaha in the Everett factory they purchased in
1973. This factory was closed in 1986.
1974-U101000 1978-U117000 1982-U150000 1986-U186000
1975-U102000 1979-U124000 1983-U160000
1976-U107000 1980-U132000 1984-U167000
1977-U110000 1981-U141000 1985-U174000
Yamaha Pianos with serial numbers preceded by the letter T were made at -
100 Yamaha Park, Thomaston, GA 30286 by Yamaha. This factory builds
Uprights and Consoles. In 1986 they started with 504,050 and then
changed t0 100,000 numbers.
1986-T100000 1987-T102200
1991-T143000 1992-T155000
1996-T203000 |