BACON & CO., 164 Center St., New York, 1843
BACON, FRANCIS, Est. 1789, In 1856 at, 135 Grand Ave., New York. In 1875 at, 255 Greene, address was 164 Centre St. in 1841. 1931 located at 609 W. 51st St., New York. For additionalinformation, see Kohler & Campbell, For Francis Bacon Grand numbers see Kohler & Campbell.
1905-11000 1915-31000 1925-47500 1940-288000
1906-13000 1916-32500 1926-49000 1947-401000
1907-15000 1917-34000 1927-53000 1950-408000
1908-17000 1918-35500 1928-56000 1951-412000
1909-19000 1919-36500 1929-60000 1952-416000
1910-21000 1920-38000 1930-64000 1953-420000
1911-23000 1921-40000 1931-67000 1954 427000
1912-25000 1922-42000 1932-70000 1955-503000
1913-27000 1923-44000 1933-73000 1956-508000
1914-29300 1924-46000 1934-75000 1957-511200
BACON, GEORGE, First listed at l Mercer St., 1825, New York.
BACON & KARR, from 1871 t0 1880 after this name became Francis Bacon,address 255 Green St.
BACON PIANO CO., 601 W. 50th St., New York. Est. 1789, see Raven &Bacon, numbers same as Francis Bacon. Est. in 1789 by John Jacob Astor and later this name was used by Kohler & Campbell.
BACON & RAVEN, Est. 1850 by George Bacon and brothers Richard and Thomas Raven in New York. First listing at 164 Center St. Later at 160-162 Center St. Moved t0 135 Grand Ave. in 1855.
1835-2600 1845-3700 1855-6900 1863-8100
1840-3100 1850-5400 1860-7600 1865-9800 |