BARRATT & ROBINSON, Est. 1877 in London, England. Located at 288-310
York Way, Kings Cross, London, N.7, England for a while. Also made the
Minstrelle, B. R. 100 Robinson, Kastner and Challen. The B. & R. group
manufactures 3000 pianos annually. See Challen at the Grove Crouch End.,
London No. 8, England. In 1984 Broadwood & Son Ltd. Purchased the
Barratt & Robinson Co. and in 1996 Musical Products Sdn. Bhd. bought
the name. See Musical Products Sdn. for additional numbers.
1880-700 1910-8200 1932-15400 1967-49770
1885-1500 1911-8500 1933-15800 1968-50670
1890-2200 1912-8800 1934-16000 1968-51780
1891-2500 1913-9100 1935-16500 1970-53140
1892-2800 1914-9400 1936-18000 1971-55050
1893-3100 1915-9600 1937-21000 1972-57400
1894-3400 1916-9700 1938 25000 1973-59120
1895-3700 1917-9800 1939-27000 1974-61080
1896-4000 1918-9900 1945-27600 1975-63450
1897-4300 1919-10000 1946-28000 1976-65120
1898-4600 1920-10300 1947-28500 1977-66580
1899-4900 1921-10600 1948-29500 1978-68680
1900-5200 1922-11000 1949-30200 1979-70550
1901-5500 1923-11500 1950-30800 1980-72650
1902-5800 1924-12000 1951-32000 1981-73610
1903-6100 1925-12700 1960-41000 1982-74700
1904-6400 1926-13000 1961-41280 1983-76310
1905-6700 1927-13600 1962-43720 1960's-18000 Six octave
1906-7000 1928-14200 1963-45540 1970's-19000 Six octave
1907-7300 1929-14800 1964-46220 1980's-20000 Six octave
1908-7600 1930-15000 1965-47440 All Grand Serial No. Since
1909-7960 1931-15200 1966-48410 1960 Start With 95,000 |