BAUER, JULIUS, Chicago, Illinois 1857 Bauer Pianos made by Wurlitzer
from 1930 to about 1937 0r 1938; Bauer Factory at 1335-1345 Altgeld St.,
Chicago, Illinois. Bauer first address was 99 S. Clark St. Also had store in
Crosley Opera House before 1871. Bauer was uncle of Wm. Tonk of Tonk
Bench Co.
1870-13000 1899-40200 Julius Bauer Bauer, Julius
1875-18500 1900-41000 Grands (made by)
1880-23000 1901-42000 1919-28000 Wurlitzer
1885-27000 1902-43500 1920-29000 1930-112000
1890-32000 1903-44200 1921-30500 1931-118000
1891-33000 1904-45000 1922-32000 1932-126000
1892-34000 1905-45600 1923-33300 1933-130000
1893-35000 1906-46400 1924-35000 1934-133000
1894-36000 1907-47000 1925-36500 1935-136000
1895-37000 1908-48000 1926-37700 1936-138000
1896-37800 1909-49000 1927-39000 1937-150000
1897-38600 1910-50000 1928-40100 1938-175000
1898-39900 1911-51000