BECKER BROS., Est. 1892 by Jacob Henry Becker, his only son, Rudolph C.
Becker was head of the company around 1928. Factory at 10th Ave. and
52nd St., New York, also control Bennington, Mellotone and Playernola.
1901-27000 1910-41000 1919-51400 1928 58000
1902-28500 1911-42000 1920-52800 1929-58500
1903-30000 191243000 1921-53600 1930-58600
1904-31500 1913-44000 1922-54800 1937-59890
1905-33000 1914-45200 1923-55400 1938-61000
1906-34600 1915-46400 1924-56000 1939-62600
1907-36000 1916-47800 1925-56400
1908-37500 1917-49000 1926-56800
1909-39000 1918-50200 1927-57200
BECKER, J., Est.1841 by Jacob Becker in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Becker
family conducts business today in the original building.
1860-4980 1865-5900 1870-7100 1880-10009
BECKER & SON, J., Est. 1875 in Detroit, Michigan.
1880-7600 1885-9400 1890-12000 1895-14900
BECKER & SONS, Name used by Whitman Piano Co., New York. |