BEHNING & BEHNING, Was at 105 West 40th St., New York
BEHNING & DIEHL, About 1874 t0 1878 see Behning & Son.
BEHNING & KLIX, Name used about 1864 t0 1873 at 196 Bleeker St., N.Y
BEHNING PIANO CO., Est. 1861, Kohler & Campbell made these pianos
starting about 1926, factory at 133rd and Alexander Ave., New York City
Henry Behning started this business and had as his partners a Mr Klix
and Mr Diehl. This was between 1864 and 1878. About 1881 Mr Behning
took in his son, Henry and then company was known as Behning & Son,
address at that time was 57-59 East 128th St., New York.
BEHNING & SON, See Behning, this name was used from about 1881.
1875-15000 1910-37600 1925-55000 1940-293000
1880-19000 1911-38600 1926-56000 1941-295000
1885-22000 1912-39700 1927-250000 1942-300200
1890-25400 1913-40800 1928-258000 1947-401000
1895-28000 1914-42000 1929-264000 1948-403000
1900-29900 1915-42900 1930-266000 1949-406000
1901-30200 1916-43800 1931-267000 1950-408000
1902-30600 1917-44700 1932-268000 1951-412000
1903-31000 1918-45400 1933-271000 1952-416000
1904-31800 1919-46300 1934-274000 1953-420000
1905-32600 1920-47100 1935-277000 1954-427000
1906-33500 1921-48200 1936-280000 1955-503000
1907-34600 1922-50000 1937-284000 1956-508000
1908-35600 1923-51500 1938-287000
1909-36600 1924-53000 1939-290000
Grands (used Brambach numbers in 1932 0n grands), see Kohler & Campbell.
BEHNKEN, GEB, N. and E. H., Hamburg, Germany, 1873. |