The Bogart Piano Company was established in New York in about 1899 by E.B. Bogart. Their first factory was located at 911 Canal Street, New York City. The firm was known for building high quality pianos and player pianos, and they enjoyed a great deal of success in the early 20th Century. In addition to manufacturing pianos sold under the 'Bogart' name, the firm built and sold pianos and player pianos under the name of 'Christie & Co' until the late 1920's era. In 1926 the firm was located at Willow Avenue, New York, and they again expanded to a larger factory on East 134th Street in 1931. Bogart is one of the few American piano manufacturers to independently survive the Great Depression, and they continued building pianos until 1942, going out of business due to World War 2.
BOGART, CORNELIUS, Charleston, Patent issue for improve sounding
board in 1851.
BOGART PIANO CO., 911 Canal St., New York. Estab. 1899 also made
Christie & Co., Pres. E. B. Bogart. Address 1931 was 500 East 134th St
New York City, corner of Brook Ave.
1901-22700 1912-26300 1923-30600 1934-36000
1902-23000 1913-26600 1924-31000 1935-36400
1903-23300 1914-26900 1925-31400 1936-36900
1904-23600 1915-27200 1926-32800 1937-37400
1905-23900 1916-27500 1927-33200 1938-37900
1906-24300 1917-27800 1928-33600 1939-38400
1907-24600 1918-28100 1929-34000 1940-38800
1908-24900 1919-28500 1930-34400 1941-38900
1909-25300 1920-29100 1931-34600 1942-40000
1910-25600 1921-29900 1932-34800
1911-25900 1922-30200 1933-35400
BOGART, W F New York. |