Antonie Bord was one of France's most popular piano manufacturers, building pianos by the thousands annually. Bord was established in Paris in 1840, and enjoyed huge success for over a century. Bord instruments are very popular today in Europe, but they are somewhat scarce here in America. In 1934, Bord was purchased by the illustrious Pleyel Piano Company of Paris. A. Bord was discontinued around 1960.
BORD, A., Est. 1840 in Paris, France. 1 Rue Francois, in best years tur]
as many as 4000 annually Purchased by Pleyelin 1934.
1840-1 1899-97000 1918-128700 1938-137600
1845-1200 1900-100000 1919-128900 1939-137900
1850-2400 1901-102100 1920-129100 1940-138000
1855-4900 1902-104200 1921-129500 1941-138400
1860-8000 1903-106300 1922-130000 1949-138530
1865-13000 1904-107400 1923-130500 1950-138600
1870-19000 1905-110500 1924-131000 1951-138700
1875-31000 1906-112600 1925-131500 1952-139000
1880-45000 1907-114700 1926-132000 1953-139600
1885-59000 1908-116800 1927-132500 1954-204200
1890-74700 1909-119000 1928-133000 1955-204800
1891-76000 1910-121000 1929-133500 1956-205400
1892-78500 1911-123000 1930-134100 1957-205700
1893-81000 1912-125000 1931-134800 1958-205900
1894-83500 1913-126000 1932-135300 1959-206300
1895-86000 1914-127000 1933-135800 1960-206600
1896-88600 1915-127500 1934-136000
1897-91000 1916-128000 1935-136400
1898-93700 1917-128400 1936-137000