BRADBURY, EDWARD G., New York 1848
BRADBURY GRANDS, May have Brambach numbers.
BRADBURY, WILLIAM B., Est. 1837, factory at Leominster, MA. Taken over
by F G. Smith in 1867 when Bradbury died. Also made Lights & Bradbury
Around 1930 the Bradbury name was controlled by W. P. Haines & Co. and
later made by Winter & Co.
1840-3000 1894-25700 1908-34000 1933-110000
1845-5000 1895-26500 1910-35700 1934-118000
1850-6100 1896-27100 1911-35900 1935-125000
1855-7500 1897-27600 1912-36100 1936-135000
1860 9000 1898-28300 1913 36500 1937-153000
1865-10100 1899-28600 1914-36800 1938-163000
1870-12000 1900-29400 1915-37000 1939-170000
1875-13500 1901-30000 1916-37300 1940-183000
1880-16100 1902-30600 1917-37600 1941-193000
1885-18900 1903-31200 1918-37800 1942-204000
1890-22300 1904-31700 1919-38000 1943-210000
1891-23000 1905-32000 1930-98000 1947-243000
1892-23800 1906-32600 1931-102500 1948-250000
1893-24600 1907-33200 1932-106000 1949-254000