BRIGGS, Boston, Mass. Est. 1868. Now controlled 'oy National Piano M -
Hallet-Davis numbers up t0 1925 after 1925 see Jacob Doll numbers
Premier numbers on grands.
1885-9173 1905-27000 1913-46000 1921-78001
1890-16000 1906-29000 1914-49500 1922-83001
1895-19900 1907-31000 1915-52000 1923-8800
1900-21400 1908-33300 1916-55500 1924-9200
1901-22400 1909-35600 1917-59000 1925-9500
1902-23000 1910-37900 1918-63000 1926-9700
1903-24800 1911-41300 1919-68000 1927-1000
1904-25600 1912-43600 1920-73000
BRIGGS, C. C., Piano designer in the mid 1800's. He designed the piar
built by Emerson in 1854.
BRIGGS, C. V, New York 1832 at 42 4th Ave., Discontinued 1851.
BRIGGS, CHARLES, C., Est. 1881 at 1125 Washington, Boston, MA.
BRIGGS, G.V, New York 1836
BRIGGS & GEORGE M. GUILD, 1861 known as Geo. M. Guild & Co.,
Briggs. Started at 425 Washington St. as Briggs & Co.
BRIGGS BROS., Briggs, SC. |