CABLE-NELSON, This business started in Chicag0 1903, then known as
Fayette S. Cable. Nelson joined the Company in 1905. Taken over by
Everett Piano Co. in the late 1920's, 900 Indiana, South Haven, Michigan.
See Lakeside and Sweetland. Was a division of Meridan Co. for a time, and
was owned by Hammond Organ Co. in the early 1960's. Presently owned
by Yamaha Corp. of America, 6600 0rangethorpe Blvd, P.O. Box 6600,
Buena Park, Cal. 90620. Yamaha stopped production.
1903-26000 1921-124500 1939-193000 1961-310000
1904-30000 1922-132000 1940-195000 1962-321000
1905-35000 1923-139000 1941-198700 1963-329000
1906-40000 1924-146800 1942-200100 1964-347000
1907-45000 1925-153000 1947-204000 1965-354000
1908-50000 1926-161000 1948-207000 1966-360000
1909-55000 1927-169100 1949-215000 1967-365000
1910-60000 1928-172000 1950-221000 1968-372000
1911-65000 1929-173500 1951-228000 1969-381000
1912-71000 1930-175600 1952-235000 1970-390000
1913-77000 1931-178000 1953-241000 1971-398000
1914-83000 1932-180400 1954-247000 1973-412000
1915-88000 1933-183000 1955-254500 1973-412000
1916-93000 1934-185600 1956-263000 1974-417000
1917-99000 1935-187000 1957-272000 1975-421000
1918-105000 1936-188300 1958-281700 1976-424000
1919-111000 1937-189700 1959-289800 1977-426000
1920-117000 1938-191600 1960-300100 1981-427000 |