Chappell & Company was established in London in 1811 by Samuel Chappell, Johann Chappell, and Francis Latout. The three gentlemen were already partners in a music publishing business, and they started out retailing pianos in their music store. In the 1840 the company started building their own pianos. During the late 19th Century, Chappell imported and sold organs by the American manufacturer Clough & Warren. In 1901, the piano manufacturing and music publishing departments of the business became separate, and production of pianos was increased. During the 1920's, Chappell purchased a handful of illustrious English piano manufacturing firms including Allison & Co., Collard & Collard, and John Strohmenger & Sons. The Kemble Piano Company of London produced Chappell pianos until the year 2000.
1840-2000 1902-39270 1924-69000 1952-83000
1845-3100 1903-40450 1925-70500 1953-83300
1850-4000 1904-41400 1926-71400 1954-83751
1855-5400 1905-42450 1927-72300 1955-83915
1860-6000 1906-43650 1928-73200 1956-84463
1865-8000 1907-45200 1929-74100 1957-85100
1870-10000 1908-46800 1930-75250 1958-85310
1875-12000 1909-48050 1931-75800 1959-85572
1880-15000 1910-49440 1932-76400 1960-85832
1885-18000 1911-51250 1933-77200 1963-86500
1890-22376 1912-52800 1935-77600 1964-86700
1891-27450 1913-54800 1936-78400 1965-87200
1892-28330 1914-56100 1937-79200 1966-87400
1893-29170 1915-57450 1938-79500 1967-87600
1894-30170 1916-59000 1939-80000 1968-87800
1895-30650 1917-60500 1940-80870 1969-88200
1896-31270 1918-62000 1941-81000 1974-91000
1897-32300 1919-63500 1947-81600 1975-91200
1898-33420 1920-65000 1948-82000 1976-91500
1899-34300 1921-66000 1949-82236 1977-91800
1900-36100 1922-67000 1950-82500
1901-37150 1923-68000 1951-82700
自1811年以来,夏贝尔钢琴Chappell piano便被许多世界著名的大作曲家和大音乐家青睐和使用。据称它是世界上制作最慢的大品牌钢琴,它的9英尺大型钢琴的生产甚至要花将近六年的时间,其中有1/3时间是用来等待木材的干燥。
夏贝尔钢琴Chappell piano制作特点:
—— 夏贝尔钢琴Chappell piano有着舒展如歌唱般的黄金音色;
—— 9.8英尺的帝国大钢琴在加长音板的同时在连接部增加了低音声区音符的谐振功能。附加的音符通常都得到遮盖,以免演奏者弹奏时混淆。
—— 7英尺以上大钢琴的背板通常由干燥26个月以上的欧洲顶级云杉实木制成,它与音阶结合,达到高音歌唱甜美、低音强劲有力的效果。 |