CHASE, A. B., Est. 1875, by Allen B. Chase, Norwalk, Ohi0 1922. Became part
of United Piano Corp. and Celco Co., controlled by Lester in late 1931,
then Aeolian-American Co. This company probably made organs for the
first ten years. Controlled by America Piano Corp. along with Emerson and
Lindeman. See American Piano Corp.
1885-16000 1908-52600 1919-61200 1930-72000
1890-24000 1909-53300 1920-62000 1931-Lester
1895-35000 1910-54000 1921-63100 1932-190000
1900-42000 1911-54800 1922-64200 1933-102000
1901-43500 1912-55600 1923-65100 1934-104500
1902-45000 1913-56400 1924-66000 1935-105000
1903-46400 1914-57200 1925-67000 1936-106500
1904-47000 1915-58000 1926-68000 1937-108000
1905-49000 1916-58800 1927-69000 1938-111500
1906-50200 1917-59600 1928-70000
1907-51400 1918-60400 1929-71000
CHASE, AUSTIN, Syracuse, New York 1870
CHASE & BAKER, Est. 1884 in Buffalo, New York, later made by Settergren
and Estey Piano Co., 237 N. Union, Bluffton, Indiana.
1885-65000 1930-11000 1939-25000 1960-172000
1890-68550 1931-12500 1940-26000 1961-176000
1895-72000 1932-14000 1947-26100 1962-180000
1900-76000 1933-16000 1948-26400 1963-183000
1905-80000 1934-17500 1949-27000 1964-187000
1910-84000 1935-19000 1956-160000 1965-191000
1927-7000 1936-21000 1957-163100
1928-8000 1937-23000 1958-166000
1929-9600 1938-24000 1959-169000
CHASE, BRATON, S., Controlled Chase Piano Co. Richmond, Indiana in
1889. Chase and C. H. Hackley formed the Chase Hackley Piano Co.,
Muskegon, Michigan. Also made organs 1888.
CHASE BROTHERS, Est. 1889 in Muskegon, Michigan. Made Chase Bros.,
Chase - Hackley, Carlisle, Boltwood and Exceltone.
1890-22000 1905-49000 1912-63000 1919-77000
1895-30000 1906-51000 1913-65000 1920-79000
1900-39000 1907-53000 1914-67000 1921-81000
1901-41000 1908-55000 1915-69000 1922-84000
1902-43000 1909-57000 1916-71000 1923-87000
1903-45000 1910-59000 1917-73000 1924-89000
1904-47000 1911-61000 1918-75000 1925-91000
CHASE, GEORGE, Q-, President of Kohler & Chase.
1953-150000 1954-154000 1955-157000 1956-161000
CHASE-HACKLEY CO., Est. 1863. Address in 1905 was 8 and 10 Adams Ave.,
Detroit, MI. See Chase Bros. and Chase Piano Co., factory originally at
Muskegon, ML
CHASE PIANO CO., Est. 1878 by Milo J. Chase when he entered the firm of
James S. and Benjamin Starr. This company was started by Trayser in
Ripley, OH. in 1869. The Starr brothers moved the factory to Richmond,
IN. in 1872. Later they moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan and the name
was changed to Chase Brothers Piano Co. Later they bought out McIntyre
& Goodsell. |