he Davenport-Treacy Piano Company was established in New York in 1868 by John Davenport and Daniel F. Treacy. At first the firm was based around a substantial foundry, and they were a major supplier of piano plates (harps) and miscellaneous hardware to the industry. They began building pianos under their own name shortly after 1870, and they enjoyed much success. In addition to the Davenport Treacy brand name, the firm also built pianos under the 'Carter' brand name. The firm was reorganized in 1925, with new factories located at West 51st Street, New York City. Davenport Treacy built pianos until 1957, at which time the Davenport Treacy name was purchased by Kohler & Campbell.
See Brambach numbers on Davenport-Treacy
1902-1000 1915-92000 1928-210000 1948-403000
1903-2000 1916-104000 1929-215000 1949-406000
1904-5000 1917-115000 1930-217000 1950-409000
1905-9000 1918-126000 1933-270000 1951-412000
1906-14000 1919-135000 1934-272000 1952-416000
1907-20000 1920-146000 1935-274000 1953-419000
1908-28000 1921-157000 1936-278000 1954-427000
1909-37000 1922-166000 1937-281000 1955-503000
1910-46000 1923-176000 1938-283000 1956-508000
1911-55700 1924-148000 1939-289000 1957-512600
1912-61000 1925-184000 1940-300200
1913-70000 1926-193000 1941-302200
1914-81000 1927-202000 1947-403000 |