Myron A. Decker was one of the founders of the famous Decker & Son Piano Company (not to be confused with Decker Brothers) of New York. Myron A. Decker was born in 1823 in Ontario County, New York. In 1844, he started a 4 year apprenticeship with the firm of A. VanWinkle, then subsequently went to work in Albany for Boardman & Gray. In 1856 Myron A. Decker established his own firm at 45 Church Street, Albany, New York. Myron Decker returned to New York City in 1863 and continued to build pianos under his own name. In 1866, he changed the name of his firm to 'Decker & Company', but this firm was dissolved in 1867. Decker continued to build pianos under his own name with much success, and was able to expand to new, larger factories at 119 Third Avenue in 1868. In 1871, Myron Decker went into partnership with J. C. Barnes, forming the firm of 'Decker & Barnes'. Decker & Barnes continued with much success until the death of Barnes' wife in 1877, causing Barnes to withdraw from the firm. Decker continued building pianos under his own name again until 1882 when he took his son, Frank C. Decker, into partnership, forming the firm of Decker & Son. Myron A. Decker died in 1901, and his son Frank incorporated the firm in 1909. Decker & Son is one of the few American piano manufacturers to survive the Great Depression, and they continued to build pianos until about 1949. Pianos by this firm are consistently of very good quality and are among some of the finest instruments we see come through our shop.
1860-1100 1898-19650 1912-28400 1926-35300
1865-1900 1899-19800 1913-29000 1927-35400
1870-3900 1900-20100 1914-29700 1928-35500
1875-5100 1901-20800 191530700 1929-35600
1880-8500 1902-21600 1916-31600 1930-35700
1885-12000 1903-22100 1917-32300 1936-126800
1890-15200 1904-22700 1918-32800 1938-155700
1891-16000 1905-23100 1919-33500 1939-168500
1892-16600 1906-24000 1920-34000 1940-181600
1893-17000 1907-24800 1921-34500 1941-195000
1894-17600 1908-25400 1922-34800 1942-203000
1895-18200 1909-26500 1923-34900 1947.240000
1896-18900 1910-27300 1924-35000 1948-250000
1897-19400 1911-27900 1925-35100 1949-254000 |